Know about the Why Most People Will Never Be Great At WEB MARKETING.

Web marketing professionals work in increasingly specialized professions, but all share a common cultural base.

An SEO project manager, web editor, web designer, community manager … Web marketing is made up of very different professions, with names that are sometimes imprecise. Each professional has missions that are his own, but the heart of their job is digital. Whatever the brand or product sold, its role is to activate one or more digital levers to improve the visibility of the company and its performance.

The web marketing professions have another peculiarity: they are connected to each other. Everyone is a link to develop the brand. Together, they create a chain that contributes to the influence of the brand or the product. For example, the writing of optimized content is a pillar of SEO, which in turn participates in the proper deployment of communication campaigns. These three professions need a site well built by developers and designers to welcome users. This is valid for all web marketing professions.


Whatever job you want to do in web marketing, it is important to build a common knowledge base. All web marketing professionals must have a common base to understand their respective requirements. This is the sine qua non for working with fluidity and efficiency. That’s why the school My Digital School has set up a two-year common curriculum for all Bachelor students, the third year being a specialization (choice: Web marketing & Social media, E-Business, Webdesign, Web developer, CMS, LMS,

Internet marketing professionals 2019

Internet marketing professionals
Internet marketing professionals

This Web and Digital cycle have three advantages for web marketing trainer, for 1st and 2nd-year students of Bachelor Web marketing and Social Media. ” This common base of technical and theoretical skills (proficiency in web language and code, web marketing, project management, e-business, graphic design, digital culture) is essential to assimilate all the concepts of digital and access the third year of specialization with confidence. It is important for students to be aware of going hand in hand, each with their individual background, but also within a working group, as in a company. “