Know about the how MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES Works Only Under These Conditions.

  • Massive open online courses (MOOCs)
  • Massive open online courses meaning
  • Massive open online courses in Hindi
  • Why massive open online courses (still) matter
  • Another look at massive online open courses

Online learning platforms are multiplying and changing the way we learn. This is called MOOC in English (massive open online course) or CLOM in French (open and massive online course). The first platforms appeared for the first time in 2012 and have since multiplied. They are administered by both public universities and private organizations. We thus find the best known Open classroom which offers courses on computer development, entrepreneurship, communication and marketing; but also Coursera, platform supported by HEC and ESSEC, undeveloped by the Ministry of Higher Education or MOOCs proposed by Pôle Emploi to support the job search. It is also possible to go directly to the website of the world’s leading universities that offer specific courses on their own platforms.


Online courses have the advantage of being able to be followed by anyone, anytime, anywhere. They allow everyone to learn and improve at their own pace. In addition, unlike private schools, the cost is usually quite low, or free. They are thus addressed to the students who would like to obtain a complimentary diploma only to adults who would like to improve certain knowledge. Online courses are usually available in dozens of different disciplines: human resources, computer science, culture, environment and so on. What to find happiness.

Problem Solving Course
Problem Solving Course Online

Learn effectively online
Online courses, therefore, allow some flexibility but also require rigour in learning. It is easy to give up when there is no constraint or sanction and you are alone behind your screen. It has been proven that it is more stimulating to learn when you are active, that is learned by interacting with other people. Thus, in reality, only 5% of the MOOC students finish their apprenticeship. So you have to constrain yourself to follow and work rigorously to get something out of it.

It should be noted, however, that some students voluntarily avoid certain parts of the course that they do not find appropriate to follow because they already know them or do not wish to spend more time there. This is the flexibility of online learning platforms: unlike conventional universities, it is possible to model teaching according to its profile.

Since their creation, the MOOC phenomenon has fallen back a bit in France because it is more a training and training system than skills certifications, unlike other European countries. However, the situation is changing as the French government has announced that the MOOCs will soon be recognized for the employees as real formations.

It must be emphasized that e-learning platforms are a very good alternative for training in certain skills without returning to university. A way to open learning to all.