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We’ll get right to the point: we’re asking you to help support IIGD International Institute of generosity development. We’re a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you.
If everyone reading this gives $10 monthly, IIGD can continue to thrive for years. Please help keep IIGD free, for anyone, anywhere forever.
Become a supporter is a tiny nonprofit that’s helping thousands of people learn to skills for free.
Your financial gift helped a student who like to learn online, who lost hope and confidence. I believe in generosity development in each individual. As a human, we have a great set of skills with us! Sharing expertise with others gives us more confidence our-self in life and happiness for helping others to move forward. created an online platform for both student and mentors! using our platform becomes part of generosity development family.
Thanks again for your generosity and support, for International Institute Of Generosity Development.